Bounding box of a rectangle

I’m trying to find the bounding box of a rotated basepart. This is what is came up with:

Where x is the corners i marked with “x” and 5 and 3 are just example sizes for the rectangle. I know this calculation will only work for a rectangle and not a rectangular prism but i think it won’t get much more complicated to get it to work in 3d, just some more cosines and sines. But when i try this in roblox (in the command bar), it works fine when there is no rotation, but when i rotate 90 degrees, cos(x) * 3 should result in 0, so the result should only be sin(x) * 5 (sin(90) = 1 so the resul would just be 5, which is logical since you rotated it 90 degrees) but in roblox it outputs this:

The code i used:

local p = game.Workspace.P --P is a default rectangular part
print((math.sin(p.Rotation.Y) * p.Size.X) + (math.cos(p.Rotation.Y) * p.Size.Z)) --Calculation from the image except 5 and 3 are changed with variables.

When it’s rotated 0 or 180 degrees along Y it outputs this:

The parts size is 2 along Z so thats what it’s supposed to do, but when it is turned 90 degrees it outputs this:

As you can see the part is rotated 90°:

It should output 4 instead (the size of the part along X).

Does someone know how to fix this? Is there something wrong with my code or my math?
Thanks for reading!


Unfortunately, 3D rotations get a lot more complicated. It’s possible, just hard!

I’ll check on your math later, but in the meantime I want to offer this alternative way to get the bounding box size which works for any orientation in 3D:


Thanks, i’m now on my phone so i don’t have acces to rblx studio but i will try your code as soon as i can!

Nvm i figured out my problem! I was using degrees but didn’t know math.sin() and math.cos() take radians as input. Thanks for responding but your code only works when i rotate the part 90 degrees. That would be good for a temporary solution but in the future i want to give more snap options for rotating parts, if i run into any problems with the code i posted in the OP i will use your code as a temporary solution while i develop other things until i find another solution!

You’re right, missed that! I suppose you’d have to get all the vertices of the part in world space and then find the min/max on each axis:

slow code
local VERTICES = {, 1, 1),, 1, -1),, -1, 1),, -1, -1),, 1, 1),, 1, -1),, -1, 1),, -1, -1),

-- returns the size of the part's bounds
local function GetBounds(part: BasePart, obj: {Vector3}?): (Vector3, Vector3)
  obj = obj or VERTICES
  local halfSize = part.Size / 2

  local minX, maxX = math.huge, -math.huge
  local minY, maxY = math.huge, -math.huge
  local minZ, maxZ = math.huge, -math.huge

  for i, v in ipairs(obj) do
    local vert = part.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(v * halfSize)
    local x, y, z = vert.X, vert.Y, vert.Z
    if x < minX then minX = x end
    if x > maxX then maxX = x end
    if y < minY then minY = y end
    if y > maxY then maxY = y end
    if z < minZ then minZ = z end
    if z > maxZ then maxZ = z end

  return - minX, maxY - minY, maxZ - minZ)

Faster version: Absolute size of a part - #22 by nicemike40

This might be 10 days ago and solved already. But I also found a solution that works with multiple parts, however this is twice as slow.

local function GetBounds(Parts: {BasePart}): Vector3
	local model ="Model")
	for _, v in ipairs(Parts) do
		local clone ="Part",model)
		clone.Size = v.Size
		clone.CFrame = v.CFrame
	model.WorldPivot = CFrame.identity
	return select(2,model:GetBoundingBox())