BoundingBox not getting full Model size

If you tell us why you want to do this then we can maybe find a solution that better suits your needs. Are you trying to auto kill them if they fall? Are you trying to teleport them back to their spawn instead of letting them die naturally? whats going on?

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Yeah I’m trying to make it so if they go far below, they are automatically teleported to their last checkpoint.

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I personally would just use it .Touched since any other solution would involve constant checks. Also since its an obby game players dont really have high expectations either way so if .Touched fails for a second they wont care

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Yeah it’s just that the whole max stud thing is an issue. And the mesh thing isn’t working properly either.
I could so something where I group all the stages and get the y of the bottom surface.

I can then check if they’ve reached the threshold. but It’d be better if each stage had their own part dedicated to teleporting players.

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Thanks for you and Katrists help, but I think Ill just ask the builder to make each stage below 2048 studs

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TBH since we are going for easiest solution as its a obby I think the constant checks might be better since we are having trouble with .Touched.

You can just use something like:

while true do
	for i,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do

		local playerPosY = plr.Character:GetPivot().Position.Y
		local obbyPosY = Obby:GetPivot().Position.Y -- reference obby model

		if obbyPosY - playerPosY < -10 then
			plr.Character:PivotTo(respawnPart:GetPivot()) -- put CFrame of respawn


This is the script version. Let me know if you wanted localscript version instead

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