Breeze into Wind! [Fully Released]

Love this update so far!

This’ll all go nice when terrain grass height property gets implemented
Also character-grass interaction physics would also be nice.


Wow im really excited, this will probably change alot in the flight simulation area in roblox. Really important question tho… are the units for the properties going to be similar to real life for better ease of simulating real life physics?


There could probably be a Y value editor for the wind speed.


i mean why like why lol. It looks really good with grass, but what you needed 11 people for?
Only in 1% of games it is actually needed, why not to work on something that is more important? lol

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Need wind to interact with water


I think you should make it so that you can make baseparts get shaken with this.

Really cool btw


Wow! This looks beautiful! Great stuff!


Maybe not directly, but you could very easily apply a force in the direction of the wind vector.

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This would be really good for RPG games or roblox games in general!


Now we need someone to implement this in sailing games and make ships sail with wind.


An excellent enhancement would include customizable grass length, allowing users to personalize their environment to their liking. Moreover, introducing diverse textures and styles for both the grass and clouds would further elevate the visual aesthetics, offering users a multitude of options to create their desired atmosphere.


Is it possible to make a tree that moves with the wind?


Thank you for this! very useful indeed. but the million-dollar question is how does one applies this to trees and sailors and bushes??


Grass and terrain features play a large part in immersion, no grass, then we are stuck with an engine that can only create games that look like they were made in 2005, we need good water, grass and cloth


we need more graphics params, more post fx abilities, more ui functions, we need anything but 12 people working on a useless thing that would be used in 1% of games.


it cant really be applied to a tree physical object because it doesn’t interact with physics.
you can either do an animation, or a script that would animate it based on the direction of the wind.


Well personally after developing on Roblox for more than 5 years now, post effects are not essential and not many people use them, I agree with more UI functions but we currently have more UI options and customization than terrain options, so, you’re wrong. You’re just another developer wanting more features for what you think is more important and you specialize in. Now its terrain people turn


Just a quick little question, you been developing terrain for 5 years?


and yeah lemme explain, ui and post fx are something really more important. People use post fx a lot, and ui lacks a lot of abilities that other engines can do.
and only 1% of games actually do care about terrain as much as you do, they dont need this dumb wind support that a big team of 12 were working on.
Imagine on what else they could of spend this time?
Like 12 people worked on something, that people dont really need lol.

There’s a lot of threads with cool features requests that roblox just ignores and thats really sad, but they work on something that unnecesary as wind support taht would just move the particles and grass?
Like bruh…


Not saying their use of resources is the greatest cause we know its not, but roblox is behind in many aspects compared to other engines, I’ve Used Unity and Unreal, and yes there are hella UI features missing, but there are also way others missing too. Like what about Animation and in engine rig editing which they told me they would do. A better accessory system, a more simple way to add clothes to characters etc, better water, custom decorations, Actual clouds you can walk through, fog etc… wind isn’t the greatest addition right now but its a good way to progress into other things, specifically grass for me, and not just terrain.