BridgeNet2, v1.0.0 | A blazing fast networking library for Roblox

Sometimes when I launch my game, this error appears rarely. Can I get help with this?

Another issue: (A version of this is on the Github issues) If you have a single bridge using InvokeServerAsync in two different places, both calls will return the same result.


You have a bridge called “GetThings”. You arrange the arguments in such a way that one of them describes what to get e.g. sounds, images, colors.

In your SoundData script you call: GetThings:InvokeServerAsync("sounds"), and at the same time in your ColorData script you call: GetThings:InvokeServerAsync("colors").

Whichever operation finishes first will be the return for both. If colors finishes, your sounds fetch will return colors and vice versa.

The workaround here is to use different bridges for different InvokeServerAsync operations.

Installation docs is missing

Use byteNet now Bridge net is no longer supported or probably not even working, ByteNet is BridgeNets successor ByteNet | Advanced networking library w/ buffer serialization, strict Luau, absurd optimization, and rbxts support. | 0.4.3

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You can find them here:

ffrostflame changed github username to ffrostfall

How’s the disconnect thing progress?

For any future readers, BridgeNet has been archived and is no longer supported. There is ByteNet which is created by the same person but does lack a lot of features and hasn’t been updated since March 2024.


An improved version of ByteNet that’s currently being updated is available,


this cannot send tables or numbers completly useless

seems like a skill issue
picking bone with a post made 2 years ago is crazy

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I am reversing my decision to archive this project, and will have an update Soon :tm:


unexpected comeback?! what made you return to this over working on ByteNet, isn’t that more efficient?

Please bro, these other networking modules are overcomplicated :pray: