Bring real world creation to your experience with Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) improvements [Beta]


Regardless of Roblox’es decisions in the past its great to see awesome updates like this. Honestly they fill me with hope for the future of the platform.

Awesome job guys. cant wait to see what you bring next !


Oh no. I don’t know how I made that mistake.
Here is a fixed file
TankDestruction_Fixed.rbxl (1.5 MB)

I will get someone to fix main post (Done)


Even with these improvements to CSG, the lighting bug when using GeometryService:SubtractAsync() still exists. Below is another example of it in action.
bug_report.rbxl (47.9 KB)


Currently the splitapart setting for SubtractAsync() has a problem where the split part’s cframe doesnt change, the cframe of the part remains the origin of the original part that was subtracted overall great update though

roblox pls fix


This is intentional behaviour, use BasePart.ExtentsCFrame


I’m not sure why, but CSG is crashing my Roblox Studio every time I try to use it. I have attached repo place, and a video. Crashes caused by this issue often do not involve an error message, the studio just crashes without a warning. The crash usually occurs after closing, or when beginning a new play test session.


CSG Crashing Studio.rbxl (44.7 KB)


I absolutely love this update, would this also affect collision precision? I remember making a massive mesh and I could walk on the invisible geometry which affected a few of my games and with this update, I am wondering if there is more flexibility with that.

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Could we get the example place where you split the bridge planks in half? Nice update!

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The bridge is in Example #2: Simple Tools. It should be to the right once you spawn in


hope this brings better poly counts later on, still suffering from terrible poly counts, just so much unneeded geometry


Damn, Roblox created a feature that I originally had to create myself! Maps like Battlefield or Rainbow Six. And I think you can do amazing things like VR pottery games and more!

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Is this true even with PreciseConvexDecomposition?

I noticed that my studio crashes when I fire at the wild west houses with the normal tank!

Was able to reproduce looking into now

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Looking into this crash issue also

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This is a godsend to creating realistic bullet holes and more


I wonder if it could be used with aerodynamic forces based airplanes to simulate realistic injuries, such as if someone shot the wing and now there is a hole and the plain can’t fly as good as before.


Ok so this is an interesting error (and surprisingly difficult to debug but I think I have the cause of it now).

Due to when Roblox deploys it might be a while before we are able to deploy the fix :frowning: but I do have a workaround. Try to create the initial part operation locally as opposed to creating it initially in studio

I’m uploading a slightly edited version that seems to fix the issue (while I’m working on fixing the root cause :slight_smile: )

CSG Crashing Studio_Workaround.rbxl (41.6 KB)



It should! That being said I’m actually working with the Aero team to make sure it does (we need to build an example for it). It’s actually something we really want to do :slight_smile:


Nice feature!! So um is it possible to use it as lightsaber blades for slices on any part material that is only metal whenever it sliced it show neon material on the part after it cut the metal with this feature?

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