Bring real world creation to your experience with Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) improvements [Beta]

Is this true even with PreciseConvexDecomposition?

I noticed that my studio crashes when I fire at the wild west houses with the normal tank!

Was able to reproduce looking into now

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Looking into this crash issue also

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This is a godsend to creating realistic bullet holes and more


I wonder if it could be used with aerodynamic forces based airplanes to simulate realistic injuries, such as if someone shot the wing and now there is a hole and the plain can’t fly as good as before.


Ok so this is an interesting error (and surprisingly difficult to debug but I think I have the cause of it now).

Due to when Roblox deploys it might be a while before we are able to deploy the fix :frowning: but I do have a workaround. Try to create the initial part operation locally as opposed to creating it initially in studio

I’m uploading a slightly edited version that seems to fix the issue (while I’m working on fixing the root cause :slight_smile: )

CSG Crashing Studio_Workaround.rbxl (41.6 KB)



It should! That being said I’m actually working with the Aero team to make sure it does (we need to build an example for it). It’s actually something we really want to do :slight_smile:


Nice feature!! So um is it possible to use it as lightsaber blades for slices on any part material that is only metal whenever it sliced it show neon material on the part after it cut the metal with this feature?

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This update must’ve broken my game because I cant publish it because of unions. Not sure.

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Multi material is not really something the Roblox engine supports. That being said, you could use intersections, create a part that is of different color/material that would fit inside and then weld it

(I don’t know if you can tell, I have played around with experiences like this :slight_smile: )


While this is possible. I would be extremely surprised that this would be the cause. This release only enables some new APIs in experience that aren’t even available in plugin environments.
I also went and tried to publish an experience with Unions and it succeeded without problems


For some reason the workshop demo doesn’t work for me. The tools won’t cut through the object.

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Nevermind, it seems to be fixed… somehow?

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I can use this in my current project immediately!


This is super cool and is something I will be using but when testing I have noticed that It it can be super performance heavy at times (nothing crash worthy but it might lag)

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Thanks for trying it out!

Anything you can share to help us dig into the performance issue would be super valuable: 1) Example place file, 2) Video of the performance issue 3) Explanation of what you were doing / trying when you noticed the issue


Could you guys potentially do a wireframe preview for the GeometryService documentation? Obviously when doing these it would create more or less tris of some sort and I would like to see the result of that in the Document.

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why I see this?

it not cut the parts with laser tank or gun… how I fix it? x.x

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Hey, thanks for trying out the example places.
Can you verify that you have turned on the Studio Beta checkbox by going to File > Beta Features and then checking the “In-experience CSG improvements” as described in this image in the main post?