Broken humanoid with PathFinding service

No you don’t need a space for elseif, if you do put a space its basically the following:

if then

   if then


You just need to do

if then

elseif then


And also if you set a thing equal to a intiger value like this

Why= intigervalue.Value
When you change why you are changing the var why and not the integer value.

yes this is true

(30 c h a r s blyt)

There are groups you can join, just click the three lines, and groups, and you can join a group to get the tag

ouf this may be source of problem… but i dont think so, your idea with bolean worked, its working smooth now, i will leave it for longer test.
time to add more people

Convert the wmv to mp4
The video will be shown on the page

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Problem is fixed, there was corrupted file in roblox studio files.