If someone ever knew that the Idle animation of The Bubbly Animation Package has a Few Seconds of Non-Animated Keyframes. I don’t think it is EVER intentional for the original animator to do this. But here we are!
Starting with the Bug report: the Idle animation of the original Package, I noticed that the Idle Animation of that package does NOT have any movement during the last 3 seconds of the idle animation before looping, since the release of Animation Packages for R15.
Visual Aids:
Video Showcasing No movement to the 300 Seconds of Keyframes:
So, how does one figure this out? Like what did you need to do to find out that this is an issue within the animations, anyways great job on finding that bug
Thank you, I Figured out when I bought the Animation package, that the Animation itself is a few seconds of movement from the idle animation, So I thought, “Why not Report this small issue?”.
It is not that much, just some visual animation bug, I don’t know if this is intentional by the actual animator.
Well, this was right when I was fact-checking if someone already reported this asset bug on the Marketplace (Only filtering the Marketplace Asset bugs), also, how this is a Engine Bug if this is a marketplace Asset? But anyway, good job finding that right before me.