Buggy Pathfinding

I didn’t delete it? I’m trying your method.

Now in the transition from point to point, you can throw a ray and check if it hits the player and if it hits, then exit the cycle through the points and go straight to the ray. I show you the logic of how this can be done, and you write the code yourself.

That could’ve been specified, yes

Also between points throwing in a ray, also wouldn’t be that effective. Even during the routing to a waypoint it should be checking if the target is in the humanoid’s ray.

There are still options, not to reach the last calculated point, but for example, to pass only a third of the points, and in any case, the zombies will gradually get closer and closer, especially if their speed is higher and at least the same as that of the player.

Through my personal experience with pathfinding systems, I believe this may be an issue with the Raycasting method you are using for the pathfinding nodes. I don’t believe enough code is shown to fully make an analysis on what might be wrong but I would totally recommend investing your time into a more simplified algorythm called the A* Algorythm.

Hope this helps! :wink:

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