Bugs with the new dark-mode theme

Another one, :coefficients:
An another one. :coefficients:

Favorites - Roblox
Favorites sidebar uses old colors.

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Friend Requests use a mix of the old and new color.

Friends in the Friends tab still use the old color
Same with the followers and following tab

(desktop app only) the top bar when opening the communities tab or any tab is also still the old gray

This tab in the avatar editor also still uses the old gray

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@BitwiseAndrea are you able to also make the rounded conours more smooth? some pages dont look smooth as the rounded conours arent nices.

list of green stuff / bugs

  • limited text box is green
  • the friends page
  • the followes page is old grey

div with class “card-item” still uses the old gray

Buttons with class “class="btn-more rbx-refresh refresh-link-icon btn-control-xs btn-min-width"” also seem to look a bit off since they have no padding.

Do you guys not use CSS variables for themes? Poor souls :sob:

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Are you crazy? The limited stripe is good on it’s own, what are you even thinking.

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  1. Gift card website: Roblox Gift Cards

  2. Button hovering background color on the website and the Universal app.

  3. Skeleton Loader color on the marketplace and on the avatar section in the Universal app.

In addition to this there is also a white line that appears at the top of opened dialogs in the Mobile app. It would be great to update the loading screen for the Mobile app to have a dark theme. Finally the profile page in the Mobile app have a lot of inconsistent UI as I have reported in this Bug Report:-

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Woah! thats a lot

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They use the new colors, what are you even doing lol.

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Is the havored color the expected one? I am not sure honestly so I just put it. If it’s the new one then it’s fine, if it’s the old then staff can fix it.

It looks like the new one to me so idk.

I think this one has never been updated since its using the old light blue


Yup, it would be great to have it been updated along with the loading screen and other outdated UI components in the profile page on Mobile just for the sake of UI consistency and to have them support dark theme.


Absolutely. There’s been multiple bug reports made about it and it bugs me every day or so myself, so this seems like the perfect opportunity to have it fixed


The fact that some search bars have a white outline when focused while others don’t is bothering me too.

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I can agree, I was wondering if this was a bug.

It’s very inconsistent and mildly annoying

agreed. why is EVERY element has to use THEIR OWN COLORS instead of using css variables!!!1!!!111 stupid decision by roblox once again. stylesheets nowadays use variables so that they can reuse it, way better than this crap that is defining colors for every element.

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They have the opportunity to fix that now, since they’re making a huge UI overhaul for the website, and the app. It will make matters easier for us bug reporters, and for them as developers :wink:

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They are never revamping the limited stripe lol, they have been using the same SVG maps since the 2017 website revamp.

I found out about this a little while ago and wrote a small post about it on my website: Roblox's Old Hidden Images - Blog


fixed moooost of these
thanks for the reports!


while you’re at it any chance this flashbang can get fixed :pray: