Building a Vehicle: Trouble with Legacy Hinges (Even though I'm using them how recommended after they were pushed to the background)

In this picture, you can see that the VehicleSeat is connected to the rest of the vehicle. You can also see that 0 hinges are detected. (bottom right)

In this image, you can see one of the wheels surface’s (connected to the mainpart) is a hinge (bottom right).

In this image, you can see that I have made Joints as well. (top right)

I was wondering, how can I fix this and make the hinges detected using the legacy method?
Thanks in advance.

Does this vehicle clone into the game?

No, there is no spawner it just starts how it is (i changed it so it’s unanchored it was anchored previously)

And have you moved any of the wheels?

Did you used to have hinges detected and now it doesnt?

No for both of those questions.

My best guess at this point is the method that you used to create the joint is not correct and therefore isn’t registering the hinge, check out this thread to see if it helps:

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It’s not a hingeconstraint, it uses surfacehinges and I want to keep it that way.

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I see, and you have not moved a single surface in the process at any time? Moving it even slightly will disconnect the hinge, unless you have your tool mode on Physical rather than Geometric.

I know. I have’nt at all. IDK what imma do so imma pause for now. Thanks tho man.

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Check out this solution it might help you detect the hinges:

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