Building Challenge #2 - Restaurant

Hey cool creators! I’m currently on the second day of the building challenge and I’m really happy about the build that I’ve made today!

If you missed the previous one, then click here to check it out!

It took me approximately 4 hours to make and the whole process was really fun! In this restaurant build, I’ve used texture for the first time! And I also tried to make changes to the lighting settings so that it doesn’t go outside the building and also stays bright inside, I’ve used an Attachment to achieve this.

Interior 1

This is the inspiration I’ve used to build:

(This time I didn’t follow any tutorials to build this, but I watched videos for building tips and tricks)

Every constructive criticism is appreciated!

You can check out the game here!


Nice work for 3 hours of building!

Are you using Future Lighting.Technology?
This would allow the inside lights to create light patterns that spread out from the windows and gives more realistic areas of light and shadows.

Are the laptops on the counter there as the business registers? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that style of setup. You may want to do a little research on details like this.
Another quick criticism is the 3 legged chairs. IRL most people would sue the business because that style of seat would tip really easily.


Yeah, I made those chairs in a hurry, actually, I just realized it was built in 4 hours approximately cuz I started in 8 and finished in 12. And I didn’t get much time to do the interior because the reference image didn’t give me a clear picture of how the interior looks, I’m actually quite bad at interior design! But I will improve with time, today I will do more research on the interior for the build I will make today. I’m not using future lighting, but I tried it once and my builds looked really realistic! But I prefer to keep the game on ShadowMap because there will be a mix of cartoony and realistic builds, but I might change it… But thanks for the feedback!