Building help with plugins and tips

I am a Roblox builder, I am trying to work with Lighting and Building to make pleasable builds of any type or topic. Whenever I make a good plan or idea I lose Self Confidence or I give up. I have been reading the Developer forum for a few hours over the last couple of days in search of better Plugins or Techniques. If you have any plugin recommendations or build tips and tricks I would love to hear them.
Plugins I’ve tried and I have and don’t understand:

  1. Stravant-GapFill-Extrude-Fixed
  2. Stravant-ResizeAlign-Fixed
  3. Stravant-MaterialFlip
  4. Stravant-MaterialFlip
  5. Building tools F3X
  6. Moon Animator
  7. Character Importer

If there are tips you may have to help me I would greatly appreciate it and thanks!


what dont you understand about Building tools by F3X? I could explain what it is if you want.

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I know what that one is I am just confused by Material Flip And Resize Align

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Oh okay. I dont use those to build. I usually just use Archimedes and Building Tools.

Oh okay, thank you for trying to help though. I actually just remembered I do have a question about F3X, People say it is really good but I can’t see the difference.

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Well there are some tricks to it. First, you dont have to use your mouse as much. Also, you can press X to scale, Z to move and C to rotate. Also, if you shift click two walls or something, they both will be selected and can be rotated at once. Its also really easy to add decals, meshes. You can all do those by just pressing buttons.

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Thanks for informing me of that, I will think of this when using F3X!

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No problem, always happy to help!

Here are some plugins
Plugins: Archimedes 2, F3X, Gap fill, build V4, rope master, skybox, tree inserter, and Load Character. All can be found in my inventory under plugins.

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Will try that out ty! I think these may come in handy.

  1. Stravant-MaterialFlip: Let’s say you have this, and you want to flip the material counterclockwise, or clockwise without moving the whole part, you can simply use the plugin and it will automatically flip the material clockwise.
    After using plugin:
  1. Stravant-ResizeAlign-Fixed: Let’s say you have this and you want to connect both pieces, just use the plugin and click the sides you want to connect.
    After using Plugin:


  2. Stravant-GapFill-Extrude-Fixed: Let’s say I want to connect the 2 blue lines together, use the plugin and you get this:
    After using plugin:

    If I do it to all sides, you get this lovely new shape.

  3. Moon animator is basically just animation which is a whole other topic. I’d prefer to watch a youtube video.

  4. Character importer just imports any roblox avatar into studios.

Note: For Stravant-GapFill-Extrude-Fixed and Stravant-ResizeAlign-Fixed, you will get these options, just play around with them and find which one suits you the best.


There are some excellent threads related to building tips and plugin recommendation. I would recommend using any plugins that helps you find the ones you can properly get a better understanding on how it works. SBS is a decent plugin to use it has a lot of advanced features including sizing and resizing objects.

You should definitely choose different plugins you just need to find the ones that are most needed in your case. Try to not install a bunch of random plugins that aren’t needed in, most plugins are used to get things done easier for certain developers I would recommend checking out this previous discussed threads since it provides variety of plugins.

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