Building Radius

Hello Forum, I not really a Dev but intend to be, I built a pretty cool game in my opinion, over the span of a couple months anyways…

my whole game layout is like this:

bunch of teleports into new zones fully built and tbh there is maybe a couple of loop scripts but I want to optimize as much as possible for mobile/console. This is not low-poly,
As I said. I’m not a dev but learning~

someone joined today on mobile and it was not playable… at all. compared to other games.
I assume my game now has around 70k Parts, more or less, I want to make a high detailed game but leave the lag behind. is this possible??? is Roblox not a good enough engine? I don’t have any blender knowledge so everything built was in Roblox.

game is here: if anyone wants to join and help how I can improve lag/etc taking all criticism? (THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT, I DONT WANT PLAYS I WANT ACTUAL HELP)


I played and went through certain phases with lag spikes which i think are the main reason towards its affect on mobile users

  • Certain laptops and Pcs have enough processing to sustain the lag of the multiple blocks and terrain but mobile devices (including pads) may not be able to hold the lag.
  • The starting gui (with blue screen) takes 35 seconds to load, which would be the biggest issue while starting the game in mobile devices. This is can prevented by reducing the time wait()
  • The escalator ramp is glitchy enough and might not support smooth movements on mobile.
  • Optimizing the game is the last option to think about, for a smooth gameplay

I hope this helps!
Best of Luck

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I lowered the overall loading screen GUI, cause I also have that problem. loading into the game takes AWHILE. and idk ifs cause the part count but if you recommend for that reason I made it quicker,

Can you tell me what escalator ramp you’re talking about?? the one in the very start??

also Optimizing now because game is only half way done of what I want it to be when completed yet it can’t keep up in current state… I’m looking for help on why…

also Certain laptops and PC’s can even run a lot of Roblox games fine… the person who joined me earlier PC was stressing to join me yet I joined another game with them that had mega smooth gameplay… I in the end want that,

It hugely depends on how you’re approaching the development. Your imagination and problem solving skills are the limit - which you can always improve upon. There are a few helpful community tutorials explaining the ways of efficient building e.g. - Building Optimisation | Tips and tricks!

However, as hinted earlier you can go beyond that. Look through some external resources since a lot of those practices that’d you find in there may be applied to ROBLOX in one way or another.

One thing I suggest though is to eventually learn 3D modeling softwares if you intend on becoming a competent builder. You have to keep in mind that Roblox isn’t a modeling platform and those external softwares/companies invested millions and years of pushing features, such that you wouldn’t find on ROBLOX, to ultimately save time, offer flexibility and optimization tools for many developers.

Note: Lag is always a red flag, but it’s not limited to graphical information. It may also include unoptimized scripts. So look into the scripts that you may have in the game and make sure they’re not eating up memory. You can check that by simply disabling some scripts and seeing whether it made a difference or not.

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