What’s the best way to create a fast moving bullet trail effect?
Polyguns would be a good example.
What’s the best way to create a fast moving bullet trail effect?
Polyguns would be a good example.
For Polyguns I just create a part between the muzzle and raycast hit position and then tween its size and cframe so it looks like it’s moving.
You could also do this with a beam and just tween one of the attachment positions
Oh thank you! That looks really neat.
Parts wont have a smooth trajectory unless you draw them between casts instead of extending or sliding them. If using the part method, I would recommend setting a trail length and then you can re-use the generated bricks with their transparencies to reduce iteration and part count.
i know this thread is dead, but i made one using trails, but the trail always starts one frame too late, so the faster i put the velocity on the bullet, the farther away the trail starts
The frame rate drops when you fire your gun resulting in the trail being renderd infront of your gun. You can try fixing this by adding a delay.