Bullfrog - A simple, intuitive, lightweight, and easy to use game framework for Roblox! [UPDATE]

create a model with the domain roblox.com

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How does this use more memory? And, I’m fairly sure that exploiters could just view the contents of the table anyways. This would only work on the server.

I have an obsession with Frogs and Toads!

The way its currently setup is upon startup each Client runs through and deletes any of the server code from that client specifically. I am trying to think of a more secure way to do this better, but it works for now. Only downside is the cleanup wont run until the module is required. So delayed requiring of the Bullfrog module on the client can lead to a possible security issue.

What do you mean? Like a public module?

what are you on about? there are a few features only like services, components, etc. and it literally states its an lightweight framework.

sorry for the bump

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Its got lots of dependencies built in that aren’t necessarily needed. Such as promises, easy network, etc. Plus lightweight is a general term and often leaves much up to interpretation. Just like any word really. The word lightweight may mean something different to a different person with a different perspective. I know that to me, something that is lightweight may mean it has zero dependencies and the source code can be read through in an afternoon, probably less.