Button animations with 1 script?

I know how to make button animations with :TweenSize but is it possible to add button aminations with 1 script?


Can you elaborate a lil bit more.

I tired making a script to add animations when you hover over a button but doesn’t seem to work:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
for _, v in pairs(plr.PlayerGui.MainGUI:GetDescendants()) do
	if v:IsA("TextButton") or v:IsA("ImageButton") then
			local newSize1 = UDim2.new(v.Size.X.Scale * 1.1, v.Size.X.Offset, v.Size.Y.Scale * 1.1, v.Size.Y.Offset)
			v:TweenSize(newSize1, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.25, true)

			local newSize2 = UDim2.new(v.Size.X.Scale / 1.1, v.Size.X.Offset, v.Size.Y.Scale / 1.1, v.Size.Y.Offset)
			v:TweenSize(newSize2, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.25, true)

This is the effect I want:
(Enlarged when hover and back to normal when unhover)

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Are you getting any errors in output?

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This may help Need Help with UI - #4 by KiloTheDev

Unfortunately not, how would that help?

try putting scripts for each button

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Please read the title, I an trying to do it with 1 script so its less repetitive and I’m going to have lots a buttons.

Do you have any advise on how to fix it?

oh well, so you’re trying to get the size by getting the scaling of v? why not like mess around with the button size and determine the size you want

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I don’t understand, what do you mean?

Really?? Yeah I’m using a UIListLayout and here’s the directory’s:
(just deleted the UIListLayout and still not working)

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Try doing this with a normal textbutton. if it works then it might be something in your buttons properties or uiaspectratio

Where did you put the script at?

I put the script under the textbutton


Ohhh I put in the StarterPlayerScripts and didnt work but then I put it in StarterGUI and worked!! Thanks!!

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local ButtonTemplate = script.ButtonTemplate
local AnimationList = script.Parent.AnimationList

local LocalPlayer = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer

for i,v in AnimationsModule do
      local Clone = ButtonTemplate:Clone()
      Clone.Parent = AnimationList
      Clone.Text = v.AnimationName
            local currentChar = LocalPlayer.Character
            local Humanoid = currentChar.Humanoid
            local Animator = Humanoid.Animator

            local Animation = Instance.new('Animation')
            Animation.AnimationId = v.AnimationAssetId
            -- other properties should be put here, like looped and etc

            local AnimationTrack = Animator:LoadAnimation(Animation)

Module looking:

return {
            AnimationName = 'Sit';
            AnimationAssetId = 'rbxassetid://0';
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mb, i understand wrong btw, good luck!


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