Buttton Not working

Did you remove this as what @Blackmole111 said? Cause if not it will create an error and it will not continue unless the error was fixed.

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even when i fixed “StudioScript” to “StudioScripts” it does not work.
( replace studioscript with studioscripts)

by the way it was funny! check if the service does not exist and then create somethng inside it!


i used findfirstchild!

Sorry I misread.

Check your code again for errors and try again. Other than that, I’m running out of ideas.

Fun tip: if your making a plugin and you want to check for errors. If you fixed something at the code that leads to an error. Right click on the output and press “Clear Output” Because if you test the plugin and you didn’t clear it. You will see your past errors that you’ve might already solved

i know, I did before, weeks ago, or maybe just days ago idk.
but then the messages pops up again.
but let’s do it anyways

well, it only says That LoadStringEnabled is not a memebr of serverscriptservice which is a solved error: you can not script th at property.

the output did not help me :balloon: :football: :soccer: :soccer: :soccer: :soccer:

I have an idea!

I am going to use assert() in the command bar!

assert(not game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):FindFirstChild("StudioScripts")

unfortunately, it did not give me any error on the output.