It is because you are purchasing nothing but you are saying once you prompt the purchase give them the coins.
The giving coins should be in another script that is of the server not local.
I just pasted that and it still errors.
Edit: I also pasted the product id so dw
I am going to create the whole thing and show you just wait about 1 hour 30 minutes because I have to do something else.
Developer Products | Roblox Creator Documentation all info you need is on here.
@Dev_Simphony dont claim that you make your own code if it isn’t yours, code is copyrighted too. Refer to the wiki next time.
Buying Coins.rbxl (32.6 KB)
Use this world that I created to get to know how the ProcessReciept
and DeveloperProducts
work and as @Boele009 mentioned if you need anymore help you can go here Developer Products | Roblox Creator Documentation and if you don’t understand it feel free to ask me! Enable studio API services after you publish the game for it to work.
If this helped mark it as solution!
Have A Great Day!
testing this now! Progress of the game is going good.
in that script it was for that 100 coins so if I wanna buy 200 coins what do I do
ok i buy it and it was successful purchase but coins is still 0?