Bypass of Roblox privacy settings using getgameinstancesjson API

Works on my machine.

There are plenty of things you can do about the issue. Only show a randomised image/default image is user isn’t at the allowed permission level as suggested by @anon2793720 here

Well it does via proxy, that button is effectively the same as what the plugin extensions or in some cases exploit software.

See above.

This bypasses the privacy settings of users. I don’t see how this isn’t a bypass. Also you require to be logged in to use this.

Great. Go to and deal with it appropriately.

Issue persists. See this part of the original report

That and what’s shown by @SwagMasterAndrew in the previous reply. The link requires specific formats to work. The exact URL shown is from the originally provided exploit code. Also requires a user to login.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.


Since no update was made from you yet I’ll just post that the API does not return the userids anymore as of like a week or two weeks ago.

(forgot to mention this when I initially noticed)

Well, one big player in this forced game-join stuff was this API endpoint: “”.
Quite sad to see how its abuse led to the removal of its providing a table of UserIds of players within the server, for I used to parlay that functionality with my in-game server-lister.

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I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?


This issue has not been resolved.


I used to run a bot that searched for famous users using that exact API endpoint. It’s since been decommissioned.

There’s no server list, so this API is completely okay.

It looks like the RoSearcher extension was taken down, but can this bug/api still be abused?

I think the best way to fix this is to hide the presence of a user if they cant be followed, maybe return a default avatar for the image?


Yes. Incredibly annoying, confusing and frustrating when I want to relax gaming after developing a highly anticipated game with my joins clearly set to No One.

I would say that yes that would be the best option in my opinion. It’s just down to the Roblox engineers to make a deision.


Is this issue going to be solved any time soon?

I am one of the few unfortunate users who are followed by Roblox on Twitter and this has been a huge issue to me as people think that I am an employee at Roblox and can retrieve their accounts back or am able to give them robux, etc. My join games settings are set to “Friends” and people have been abusing that endpoint and stalk me into games to beg. This has gotten to the point where I need to play games or test anything I work on in VIP servers to have some sort of peace.

No one should be forced into spending money for some unwinding, lose out on exposure from Roblox’s social media accounts or make entirely new accounts unrelated to your main account to avoid people disrespecting you when you’re trying to explain to them that you’re just a regular person just like they are. I really hope that this will be resolved soon.

@NeloBlivion looking up RoSearcher gets you the GitHub page of the creator and people are using the publicly available programming to reupload it as their own plugins.


This issue has not yet been resolved. The damage is much more intense now.

Since the publication of this report, some of the largest content creators in the world are on Roblox playing experiences, including live. These large content creators are livestreaming their time to a massive audience but it’s being cut early due to this bug report. There are users using this bug to find users in experience and then exploit the experience itself.

It doesn’t help when large content creators like KreekCraft are calling to Roblox to resolve this. There is intense focus on this problem which personally has been delayed for far too long.


Issue still not resolved despite many issue complaints on hackerone and direct complaints to Roblox, in retrospect this shouldn’t have prolonged more than a few months but it’s somehow gone for two years at this rate, harassment is off the charts with this privacy breach on our experiences community and other communities, it’s impossible for some of us to play most games publicly without going onto a VIP server as some harassers are scanning front-page games just to locate and target onto us. And yes some are using literal exploits to even lag/crash our in-game servers or other attack vectors.

It’s relatively a simple fix and we’re still stuck here, it really shows the current state of things.


As to hop back in for this issue that still exists to this day, Instead of removing the list of avatars, could it instead be an option in the users profile settings ‘mask my avatar in server lists’ to simply return a random Roblox’s head-bust image? This probably would break this issue outright, and still keep the natural look of Roblox’s server list awhile popular users/creators can mask themselves from being followed so that the only way to join their game is to keep clicking ‘Play’ and hope you’ll end up on the same server.

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This would probably explain how every game I went to during the 2020 Egg Hunt instantly got over 300 players…

That was very very annoying… surprised that this issue is still present seeing how long the post has been up.

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Sorry for the bump, but I just wanted say that SearchBlox has now been banned and removed from the Chrome Webstore.
Although this still isn’t patched, its still good to see that both of the most popular extensions used to bypass the privacy settings are gone.


Never mind. Turns out the creator of Searchblox appealed to Google and now Searchblox is back on the Chrome Web Store AND its open source now ._.