ByteNet | Advanced networking library w/ buffer serialization, strict Luau, absurd optimization, and rbxts support. | 0.4.3

I know its just typo. But my main point is if I want it without datatype, how? Because i wanna send number but also can be string or maybe a whole table?

Edit: Let’s say I want it to be like

local ByteNet = require(
local Packets = require(path.toPackets)

local data = {
	whateber1: 8,
	whatever2: 10
	name = "whatever",
	value = data

Then how to define the packet?

I don’t think you’re even reading the example at all.

I’ve even checked the DataType module, that’s why I ask if we are able to define data types without any type… because even like in example TextField: data types string, what if sometimes i want text field to be number or anything else?
Like packets.samepacket.send({ TextField: 1 }) but maybe sometimes I want it to be packets.samepacket.send({ TextField: “a”}), how then? Explain it to me.

Define another packet then or another variable. You shouldn’t be hot-swapping parameters like that.

Oh so ByteNet works kinda different than BridgeNet right? So it’s like stricter, because you have to define packets before.

I made a private framework (deciding if I should make it public) that does dynamic data type conversion (at cost for a slightly more buffer size) and tables.

However, yeah, with ByteNet and probably other types of buffer-based networking system, tables and dynamic datatypes are not (?) supported.

Well how would I go about making a event that doesn’t have any parameters? Do I just add a filler variable?

If I have a server player loader that tells the client codebase to load after the data is loaded, do I just make a regular remote event?
TBH I think this feature should be added in.

You can do a trial and error and see if just setting the parameter to nil works.

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Great library, saves me from doing it myself

Minor doc issue: tutorial has definePacket arguments the other way around


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I think that’s the older version docs.

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Idk, I don’t use github :sweat_smile: I just clicked the docs link, it’s a screenshot from the Tutorial section

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Hi! I’m interested in using this module but I see that there is no rbxm file download link provided. Could one be given? Thanks!

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This seems good. Do you plan to add typed arrays? eg.

local obj1 = {“hello world”, 4, 2.343, 0}
local obj2 = {“hello world (again)”, 4, 0.3423, 3643}
local obj3 = {“example3”, 1, 0.263, 2436}

local objX = {“exampleX”, 5, 5.353, 574}
local example_typed_array = {obj1, obj2, obj3, …, objX}

And “example_typed_array” is object to be send. (X is eg. players amount in server)
This would be very useful as compression is needed even more with a lot of values.


version 0.3.0


  • Types: Vector2, CFrame, Array, Optional, Map


  • Rewrote client/server processing. Should drastically improve stability and performance.
  • Completely re-did how serialization happens to be a lot more stable, and to allow a lot of room for improvement.
  • Many type improvements
  • Removed only dependency

Oops. Forgot to add links to the post.

updated post w/ links to project

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version 0.3.1


  • Rewrote serialization to use an allocator w/ resizing instead of using “deferred write” functions. Should be an incredibly large performance boost.

Thank you for including .rbxm files by the way, looking forward to using this.


is this how i define 2 packets:

local rgbsend = byte.definePacket('rgb')
local screensend = byte.definePacket('screen')
--them both are ment to handle strings

and recive it on the client:

screen:listen(function(screenshot_size: Vector2)  

and the other one:

rgb:listen(function(updatedRGBValues: string)
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Per the example on the docs:

local ByteNet = require(

return {
    printSomething = ByteNet.definePacket({
        -- This structure field is very important!
        structure = {
            message = ByteNet.string,
-- Sending to server
    message = "Hello, world!"
packets.printSomething:listen(function(data, player)
    print(`{player.UserId} says { data.message }`)
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ok ill have a look at the documentation

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