Café Away - Ban Appeal Monetization

Only HR+ (CSO-C) can read Ban Appeals and accept/decline the appeal.

Ban Appeals: How Should They be Moderated?

Ban appeals are a very different story then everything else. Ban appeals must show that they are willing to never do what they do wrong again. They should give a good reason for why they should be unbanned.

These are the factors that are needed in order for them to be unbanned:

** Must show that they are willing to never do what they did wrong again.*
** It must be lengthy and detailed.*
** Explain somehow that they will be respectful.*
** Must be complete sentences with grammar (at LEAST 3-4 sentences).*
** Make sure overall that it makes you feel that they are really willing to stop doing what they did wrong and be unbanned.*
** Anything else that is important and crucial. (i.e. no curse words, inappropriate language, etc.)*

If the following requirements are met above, please unban them by following these steps.

  1. Change their rank inside the group from ‘Banned Member’ to ‘Premium Customer’. If they are not in the group, please just use the ‘unban USERID’ format. The user ID can be found as the name of the ban appeal bot in Discord.
  2. Add a card in Trello with the name of the user, the ID, and the ban appeal, as well as what they did wrong in the first place.
  3. Please DM the banned user through Discord or Roblox. If they do not respond, it’s fine. An example would be, “Greetings, USERNAME. Your ban appeal has been accepted and you are now unbanned. Please note that if you are banned more than two times, you will be permanently banned from all of Cafe Away.”

Created by Café Away Administration
Approved on 9-16-2020 by Café Away Executives