Café Away - Certain Situations

What do you do in these following situations?

Make sure you follow this guide thoroughly!


-Ban Instantly.

Not Ordering Properly:

When asked multiple times, kick first and add a reason for the kick. If they rejoin and keep doing it, ban them.

Inappropriate Clothing:

Give them 2 minutes to change their clothing to an appropriate style. If not done, a kick with a reason should be done. If they continue to join, ban them.

Trolling/Messing around with Admins:

Ban them for trolling.


Ban for bypassers.

What to do in the Interview Center?


Automatic Failure.

Being inappropriate/inappropriate language:


What to do in the Training Center?


Demotion, if continued after warning them.

Grammar Mistakes:

Fix them for the player. Make sure you fix your own mistakes. If they keep continuing, count that as a fail for the training session.

In Conclusion:

In every server, you should:

  • Ban exploiters.
  • Inappropriate Clothing - Ban after giving them time to change.
  • Bypassing - Ban.
  • Trollers: Fail during sessions, kick then ban in the actual cafe.

Created by Café Away Administration
Approved on 9-16-2020 by Café Away Executives