Café Away - Interview Guide

This is the Interview Guide that all MRs+ must read through!

To ALL staff:

Open Category

** SA’s arrive 10 minutes before the server unlocks.*
** ST’s arrive 12 minutes before the server unlocks.*
** MT’s arrive 14 minutes before the server unlocks.*
** AT’s arrive 15 minutes before the server unlocks.*
** CSO-CEO’s arrive 20 minutes before the server unlocks.*
** VP and P arrive 22 minutes before the server unlocks.*
** Any other roles that arrive can arrive at any time.*
** The command bar is accessed using ‘.*
** If you are AFK, do ‘ff me’. Don’t name yourself.*
** The pin number for the computer assistant in each room is: 53142.*

Group Shout (Session Starting):

[Interviews] Interviews are now being hosted by _______! Come join the interview center for a potential job at Café Away! Slocking in 10 minutes.

Discord Message:

Interviews will now be hosted by _________! Come join the interview center for a potential job at Café Away! Slocking in 10 minutes. @Session/Shift Ping
Link: Café Away - Interview Center v2 - Roblox

After you post the announcements, go to the Admin Panel (on the left-hand side) and click “Open Interview Center”.

Group and Discord Shout/Message (Locked Server):

[Interviews] The session is now locked! Apologies if you couldn’t make it. There is an upcoming session soon!

Admin Panel (What to do when the Interview Session Starts):

Open Category

** To use the panel and start the Interview, type the time in the time text box that the Interview will start at and the host name in the host name text box.*
** Click the button below called, “Start Interview Session.” You are done for the rules!*
** After you get the notification on your bottom-right hand corner, click “Okay!” and say the following… (The next bullet point). Click on ‘Open Interview Room Doors’.*
** Alright! Everyone has gone through the rules! Therefore, Interviews may now commence!*

Beginning of Interview (You may type these in the chat when you pick someone by using the command, ‘view random’.):

Open Category

** Hello, I will be your interviewer today. Please follow me into an office!*

(Walk into an office. Make sure you then TP them using the COMMAND BAR (‘bring USERNAME’) next to a chair.

** Hello, my name is ___________ and I will be your interviewer for today!*
** Do you have any questions before we start? (A response is appreciated.)*
** Wonderful! Please wait for the first question.*


** 1. How would you treat a customer when they come up to you?*
** 2. What are your main character traits and abilities?*
** 3. Why are you interested in working for Cafe Away?*
** 4. How can you benefit our company?*
** 5. Why should we hire you over other interviewees? Please provide a detailed explanation.*
** 6. What other organizations have you worked at throughout your career? Please state your rank/s/ as well.*
** 7. Please correct this sentence: i luv caf away and deir personalityes111*
** 8. True or false: If you follow all of Cafe Away’s rules, then you will be banned for no reason.*

Interview End:

Open Category

** Exquisite answers! I will now be checking your answers. Please wait.*

(Rank them to Trainee now if they passed.)


** I am happy to say that… You have passed this interview!*
** In the cafe, make sure to use grammar at all times including in and out of the kitchen.*
** If you troll or exploit, it might cause a demotion.*

Do the following below if you are an SA-ST and you are interviewing someone.

** Do you have any questions before I teleport you outside to be ranked by an MT+?*
** Alright, please stand up and wait to be teleported! Congrats again!*

(Do ‘name username’ as Passed by INTERVIEWER! <3)

Do the following if you are MT+ in charge of promotions at the line.

** Congrats on passing! Please wait while I review your answers again to see if you have been properly passed.*
** Alright, you have been properly passed! Please wait until I rank you.*

(Rank the user/s/, then refresh all of them.)

** Great! You have been ranked. Dismissed! <3*

(If they don’t leave, kick them and say, “Passed! <3”)

Do the following below if you are MT+ and you are interviewing someone.

** Before I rank you, are there any questions that you might have?*

(Rank them to Trainee now if they passed.)

(Refresh the person who passed.)

** Great! You have been ranked. Dismissed! <3*

(If they don’t leave, kick them and say, “Passed! <3”


** Unfortunately, you have reached the III strike limit. Please try again during the next interview session that is available to you. (The times are in the group description.)*
** Unfortunately, you have failed your interview. You may always try again in another session or apply at our Application Center.*

(Kick after if they don’t leave. Then say, “Failed. :c”)

** You have been demoted for not following Café Away’s rules.*

Created by Café Away Administration
Approved on 9-16-2020 by Café Away Executives
Updated on 9-18-2020