I said to unanchor them, if they are already welded then unanchor
I unanchored them and welded them.
Actually the problem is at the Handle, you should rename it to DonutModel.
And then you create a part inside the tool that is invisible and unanchored and welded.
Right after you rename it to Handle.
The handle should be the location where you want the hand to hold at.
Oh alright, let me do it. ----------
I have to ungroup everything in the donut model, correct?
No, I said to put a part inside the tool (Not the donut model) that works like the location you want the player to hold the donut and name it Handle.
Then you make it invisible, non collidable, unanchored and weld to the rest of the tool.
Instead of “Tool” name it “Donut”
Alright, I’ll do that right now. c:
I mean your code will work fine if you did what I said to you before. (Your old code)
Oh alright, I will use that.
That code ain’t a good idea, Connecting 2 events that arent really needed for this case would make it take away more memory than the neccessary
Can’t you just put a model of the donut, the actual tool in some place like ServerStorage, and then clone that tool and set its parent to the player’s backpack upon clicking the donut replica?
I don’t think this is a code issue I think it has something to do with the way the player is holding the donut. Can you tell me what the problem is?