Calling module from script breaks other script

I added the line of code to the message

Pretty much:

local new = tostring(steps.Text - 1)

steps.Text = new

Im dumb LOl

Still gives same error, didn’t help anything.

you can’t set variables with if then end conditions.
Adding conditions to variables is slightly different.
they don’t use if statements at the beginning and if you want or statements you need to contain them in
parenthesis, because or is used to assign different variables to it if the first returns nil.
you can use booleans to assign numbers to variables with an and statement.

steps.Text = (Found or "nil") and "inf" or tostring(data[stagetrans.Text])


Yeah I don’t think thats gonna work…

edit: nevermind the quotation marks were weird

edit: meant to reply to @DasKairo

If i get the chance, ill get on my computer to help, i think i have a solution but i need to test it. Rn i gtg.

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try removing the tostrings from the code

Attempt to perform arithmetic (sub) on string and number

tostring(tonumber(steps.Text) - 1))

attempt to perform arithmetic (sub) on nil and number

can you show me the text of Steps.Text?

When I am in the safezone its “NIL”

and out of safe zone, what does it say

Nil still because it breaks the entire script due to roblox stopping the script whenever theres an error

try this:

while task.wait(.1) do
	if Humanoid.MoveDirection ~=, 0, 0) then
		if steps.Text == 'NIL' then return end
		local new = tostring(tonumber(steps.Text) - 1)
		player.PlayerGui.StepsGUI.Frame.TextLabel.Text = text
		if new <= 15 then
			steps.TextColor3 =, 0, 0.0156863)
			steps.Parent.ImageLabel.ImageColor3 =, 0, 0.0156863)
		elseif new >= 16 then
			steps.TextColor3 =,255,255)
			steps.Parent.ImageLabel.ImageColor3 =,255,255)
		if new <= 0 then
			Humanoid.Health -=100
			steps.Text = tostring(data[stagetrans.Text])

Unkown global text below local new = blah blah blah

i copied from the first post so i dont know what you changed from that one

below steps.text == “NIL” then return end

I found the issue. it couldn’t convert the string to a number so if you replace this line.

local new = tonumber(steps.Text)-1 -- Error on this line


local new: number = (tonumber(steps.Text) or 1) - 1

and this

steps.Text = if Found or "nil" then "inf" else tostring(data[stagetrans.Text])

with this

steps.Text = (Found or "nil") and "inf" or tostring(data[stagetrans.Text])

from your original script.