Wow I was making that way harder then it needed to be… and thanks for the dope keybind module
if Hotkeys.getHotkey(Enum.KeyCode.W) then
it’s now working as intended and I actually learned how to use RunService
I made an update, and the MoveFoward and the other functions, don’t need deltaTime anymore.
Oh cool I’ll check it out now, I was curious if delta really changed much
Mind giving me a basic idiots guide example of how to best use the new AnchorPoint functions? lol
It works exactly, how you described that in this post
I can’t seem to figure it out, I understand it’ll allow the height adjust to elevation but I just can’t seem to do it lol ;-;
edit: never mind I did it
Do you think I could easily modify the key bind module to support controller inputs? or would it be hard?
You mean gamepad inputs?
Yeah, i could add that, but not today.
yeah I meant gamepad, I’ve tried looking into gamepads some but the thumbsticks seem hard to code with