Yes, it is. I’m using it in combination with a ragdoll script.
it might be that the script stops before working, put out prints in different parts of the code to see where it stops.
With the print’s I have found out that it wont get past the part where it define sthe CurrentCamera Subject and CameraType
is the code that you provided all the code of the script?
try this new code, i think the problem was the *.Subject
local Character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character or game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- if character does not exist we will wait for it to exist.
Head = Character:WaitForChild("Head") -- Get's the Player head in Workspace
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") -- Defines RunService
workspace:WaitForChild("CurrentCamera").CameraSubject = Head
workspace:WaitForChild("CurrentCamera").CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable -- Sets CameraType to Scriptable
workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = Head.CFrame -- Should set the Camera CFrame to the head, but that is not happening
I’m completely out of my mind. It still isn’t working.
does it still get stuck in the same line as before?
Yes, it also seems that I am getting a infinite yield possible warning
remove the WaitForChild, replace them with
workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = head
workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.cameraType.Scriptable
That works! O my god!
It isn’t perfect, let me show you:
awesome! and if you want, you can make your hats transparent locally, and maybe add a custom walk animation without head movements to not make it wobble as much
Well I was already using R6, so the head doesn’t move.
But now there is still a problem: I can’t turn the camera with the mouse as in first person.
EDIT: I know why the head is acting weird: it is because I added a script that made my head move to the mouse position
are all your playergui’s Modal is set to false, also going fullscreen (if not already) might fix it
so everything is fixed and there are no more problems?
Nope! Only one, that is that i cant use the mouse to rotate the player.