Camera script not working [[[NOT SOLVED]]]

Same problem as in post 15.


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What do you want this camera to be doing?

You don’t need [NOT SOLVED] in the title of the topic. If it doesn’t have a checkmark on the left side of the title, it isn’t solved. So you also don’t need [SOLVED] in the title.

looking at the place where the main menu is. It’s fixed, its just you haven’t read the posts above. Then you can know the problem

If it’s fixed, the topic shouldn’t say [[NOT SOLVED]]. Then one might assume that the problem is not solved, especially after 20 replies.

No, there’s still a problem. I meant to say there’s another problem.

Okay. So are you trying to make the camera head to the main menu screen when your not alive, and to your character as normal when your alive?

The only real issue I had was that I had 2 scripta playing at the same thing, I removed one and after that, it was normal, so idk

That may be the cause of this “flickering”