Camera Tween question

is the scanner a normal script or local? if its a server script what you could do is use a remote event and place it in replicated storage and name it like “PlayCamera” or something and in a local script in starter player add the tween function

local playcamevent = game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayCam -- just reference the path of the remote
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local invipart = script.Parent.Parent.InvisibleCamera
local tws = game:GetService("TweenService")
   tws:Create(cam,,{CFrame = invipart.CFrame}):Play()

now in the scannerscript get the remoteevent

local playcam = game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayCam 
script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(player) -- function
    playcam:FireClient(player) -- fire the event to the player to play the tween
    wait(2) -- Camera move should move at this time
    part.Position = script.Parent.Position +, -0.1, 0) -- The block moves at the screen for stop being clicked multiple times
     --The rest of the script is just frames moving on the screen and material changing and waits

this is the best i could help

The scanner is a normal script. Here is picture,

bartekx2007x’s Place Number: 16 - Roblox Studio (

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