Camera tweening (:Interpolate/:Lerp) is broken with new update

A new update came out recently and broke half of my game as it relies heavily on camera position. This update causes the camera to incorrectly position itself whenever its CFrame was set. Originally I was using :Interpolate and it was working just fine until the update, since that broke, I changed it to my own method which still gives me crazy results which can be seen below.

New code for ref:

_G.LerpCam = function(NCF,T)
	CameraInt = true
	local OCF = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame
	for i=0,T,T/60 do
    	workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = OCF:lerp(NCF,i)
	workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = NCF
	CameraInt = false

Examples of bug:

Locations get pretty random

Also with the trapping system, the camera interpolates to some random location

This also happens sometimes (This uses Interpolate)

Happens here:

For now, I can just do some edgy transition screen but It’d be pretty sick if this got fixed. :heart:

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Duplicate of;

I looked for dupe threads but I guess I wasn’t using the right keywords, my bad. :grimacing:

Refer to thread linked above