Can anyone explain what pcall is?

Can anyone please explain what pcall is?

It basically makes it so no errors will output (therefore will not stop the entire script upon error.) It’s kind of like try and catch in Java. BTW, a quick google search could tell you this, so please search it up before making a new topic.

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Protected calls, formally known as pcalls, can run functions without erroring and provide if your code was successfully ran

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pcall is protected call. If an error was found in a function that is in pcall, pcall catches it and returns 2 arguments. The first argument indicates whatever the function was successfully ran. The second argument is the result the function should return, that is, if the function was successful, then it’ll return the result, otherwise it’ll return an error.

pcall is useful for asynchronous functions / operations.

You can also read about pcall here.

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