Can beautiful models be made in the studio without blender?

Can beautiful models be made in Roblox Studio without Blender? Yes.

I know many people who made amazing models and maps without even touching Blender, a good example would be @ChooShu_Cho. They make jaw-dropping stuff with no use of Blender mostly. I can agree that Roblox Studio has many disadvanteges compared to Blender and yes, most of the time it’s generally easier/better to make something inside Blender but if you try hard enough, you could pull off some pretty good stuff with studio.

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Yes, it is more difficult to make model from the studio, in this case the person modeling from the studio is more professional and creative. But modeling in the studio requires more time. The advantage of the studio is that if you make beautiful models in the Studio, you will prove yourself as a more professional modeler because you make a model from the picture in the blender and it is not difficult, it does not require any creativity etc.

I’m a bit late to this but, it’s good for certain pieces of your map to be out of parts and not meshparts, having too many meshparts in a game can cause issues, especially with collission.

In my opinion using Studio instead of Blender is basically a waste of time, the efficiency that Blender provides can’t be matched with Studio, Blender also provides more precise editing to your models since you can edit specific vertices.

unions also cause bad collision lol

I wouldn’t say it doesn’t require any creativity to create something in Blender; yet it’s less difficult than studio once you learn how to use it.

Yeah I am still learning it I tried to make airplane in blender and its good

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Since you aren’t really asking a question, but instead offering a breakdown this should be placed in #resources:community-tutorials.

You can model with unions and negates in Blender, its called boolean modifier. And no, Blender is not complicated. So basically, if I were to make a model in blender with the same quality as a studio model I could do it way easier. It just gets harder If you are making something complex. So really, there are no advantages of studio modeling and no disadvantages for Blender modeling.

I dont know? Can it?

All made in studios with the idea in mind to show people you don’t need 3rd party software to make something good. The possibility of Roblox is amazing and you shouldn’t force yourself to learn something else if your comfortable with roblox. That being said. Blender increases efficiency and performance



Woaaw very good build, Did you make even models in the studio?

I’ve made all my models in Studio. You can make circles pretty easy…

robloxapp-20210502-1004098.wmv (1.9 MB)

As stated in the original reply, everything you see was made in Roblox, from the rooms to the smallest detail. They are all parts.

that litterally makes no sense from the last sentense, like everything in modeling is pretty much just tracing (even making something original most of the time you’re modeling from concept art, etc) and you do prove yourself if you model on roblox you’re only a professional modeler on roblox and nothing else and tracing models can be creative too you have to try to add details/manipulate the topology to how you want it, etc

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Very good, but not as optimised as blender.

Simple answer;

Yes, but it takes a lot of time and effort.

Here are some examples of some of my models done in Studio.




I do have to agree with @IceTheOneAndOnly’s post though, because Blender offers a variety of options and functions that Studio doesn’t have.

To add on:

also you can do texturing outside of studio (better texturing)

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sorry for another reply but i just need to say that blender becomes user friendly once you learn it enough

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yes. for example

their builds are really good and made in studio.
blender is better with a lot more functions, and uses less time