Can hackers control RemoteEvents that only goes from server to client?

I heard that exploiters can control server through RemoteEvent. But what if I only use it to go from server to client? Also, is there any way to protect RemoteEvent from exploiters?

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Exploiters can fire remote events so if you use it from server to client no harm should come from it

Thanks for anwser. Do you have any idea how to protect RemoteEvent?

You can make sanity checks and maybe caches too, to prevent them from spamming the remote.
Source 1

Source 2

Maybe these 2 could help you

Yes exploiters can abuse this by simply disabling your OnClientEvent and making their own

Please explain how they will turn this off?

Using an external cheat client, they can manipulate the Roblox client to disable your remote for them and them only.
Because you don’t have low-level memory access in Luau, you can’t detect this or prevent this from happening on the client. All you can do is try to catch it on the server.

for _,connection in pairs(getconnections(Remote.OnClientEvent)) do

  print("your remote is now hijacked and here are the args")

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