Can I have a lower age restriction for my game when I hide blood for low ages?

I have a bit of blood in my game, which has caused the game to be limited to ages 9 and up. If i make it so blood is hidden for players younger than 9, then could i have this age limit lifted? And is there a way to check what age a player is/ what category they fall in?


It is not possible to detect what age a user who joins your game is. So you can’t really make blood invisible for users below that age.

However, if you do remove the blood for all users, you can just redo the age questionnaire, and it will lift the age limit.

Or you create two separate games, one for all ages without blood, and one with blood for older ages.


As he says, you cannot.
I do agree that it can be separate games, but that isn’t that good of a idea.

Basically, I would just keep the limit.

Looks like SYSTEM removed the quote, oof.


Someone asked a similar question recently; here’s the final paragraphs of my response that are the most relevant for your question:


Unless you removed all of the blood that was included in the game, it’s unlikely for the age rating to be lifted.


It says to answer in the highest case scenario, aka the worst possible.

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