Can I make Plane movement with Tweens?

Hey. I’m looking to make simple plane movement with Tweens.
So for example I’m looking for it to accelerate, decelerate, and then most important part.
For it to fly in the direction the mouse is pointing.

How can I make this possible? And, what should I be aware of while making this?

Thanks in advanced!

I would recommend that you move your focus away from tweens, and takes a look at BodyMovers for this one :slight_smile:

Hey, I’ve been testing with BodyMovers but there has been one issue with it I’ve been unable to fix.
I’ve done a recording of the issue here with BodyMovers:

Basically, it’d be perfect. It’d fly just fine (video of it flying fine)

Then, after awhile it’d just fly completely wrong (video of it flying wrong)

It has been unsolved for weeks now, I don’t know what’s wrong. So I’m trying to move away from BodyMovers and try Tweens now.

You can’t, also tween isnt best for performance.
use bodyposition or bodygyro or velocity.

never try tweens
They are not good for performance.

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Hmm… Are you changing some values through scripting while it’s flying?

Yep I am. I’m using

Plane.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(Plane.Position, Target)

To point the Plane the correct way, then changing


To the correct speed

(if needed, I’ve got a forum here with the full code:Ship flying wrong after some time flying)

Could you send me a empty studio file with the plane and script for troubleshooting?

Yep I can, one moment I’ll grab it for you

Here’s the file, I’ve removed as much as possible so there’s only the Flying.

Checkout the script “Con2” in StarterPlayerScripts for the main controls (scroll down to the bottom)

There’s also a server script used for spawning the plane, which you can checkout in ServerScriptService named "Script"

The plane itself is in the ReplicatedStorage labelled “SpaceShip”

Thanks in advanced!

PlaneSystemV3.rbxl (161.8 KB)