Can I set an account age limit to my game?

I have had an issue with exploiters in my game, I keep banning them but they will create alts. Is it against the rules to make a script that kicks you if your account is under 20 days old?

I don’t think it’s against the rules, as a lot of RP games have this to prevent trollers and exploiters.

There is already a topic about this. Please search before posting.

See Restricting minor features by user Age

Restricting your game is very inefficient to fix your issue. You should try looking at what the exploit is to properly fix it. Restricting your game doesn’t really get rid of exploiters as usually they would have many alts created a year before and you’d have the same problem. New users will also not bother to visit your game when you create a restriction against them, It’s really bad practice. I recommend trying to fix the problem you have instead of trying to make something more difficult than it should be.

There is other ways to achieve what you are trying to do, but don’t limit players access to you game unless you are selling it through Roblox’s System. Think about it this way, if you were to reduce the limit of the account age to atleast 1 day old, then those whose first time on roblox, going to play their first game, will never be your game, as they are prohibited from it.