Can I use google cloud as an external database?

Hi, I would like to know if I could use google cloud as an external database because I would like to easily be able to check and modify players data. Thanks for any help provided - Cats767_99

You can use Google Spreadsheets as an external database

Nah man. Thats a horrible practice. Please use something actually for Databases. SpreadSheets is used to " users to create, update and modify spreadsheet s and share the data live online".Doesn’t say anywhere for saving data. The best databases are SQL or MongoDB I believe (A good one is FireBase too). Problem is, you need a solid understanding of java script or their api. It’s not easy to use at all.

NOTE: These tutorials are not easy at all. (SQLite was working but I am not able to retrieve all player data but I needed it for a simple number incrementing so thats fine.) MongoDB tutorial made no sense to me. (Or I might be super dumb)

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