Can i use PolicyService to show links ingame

Thing is, it’s locked and is hidden deep deep deep by now.

That’s for links on the DevForum

Yes, you can now use PolicyService to show links in game to the correct users. The user in the topic where you quoted my post linked the 3+ year old announcement which was clarifying that Discord links were banned, it wasn’t until later that they added Discord as a social link option. But in-game Discord references were still banned.


Thank you for clarification :wink:

Yes you are allowed to use them but only as social links.

Then why does the damn Policy APIs rule exist?? You really should stop refusing to believe that you can’t use PolicyService to disable Discord links if needed.

You can’t use PolicyService on the website, it’s part of the engine

It returns Discord because it is the same api as social links on the website.

…when did I ask about what it returns? I asked you to stop refusing to believe you can put Discord links in-game with PolicyService, not about what it returns.

If you seriously want to do it I’m not stopping you but I’m just saying that it could be against TOS.

It’s :clap: literally :clap: allowed :clap: in :clap: the :clap: rules :clap:

Don’t you mind to link url to this rule in TOS?

Discord links are prohibited from being shown to users under 13 and in any public places. This has always been the rule, which was simplified of course before policy service since everywhere was a public place. With policy service, you can guarantee that the link only gets shown to users 13+, which is the whole reason for the rule. These users would see it on your game page anyways, it makes no difference.

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A reminder that the community rules were recently updated and there is a possibility it may have been removed. However, I’d expect a staff would have posted about it if their policy did change. To be safe if you are adding this to your game I’d recommend you contact an admin about this.

They don’t need to make a big update for the rule to take effect – (silently) updating the community rules is all it takes. We are not entitled to a notification of new updates to the rules – and should check them ourselves every now and then. If they truly didn’t want Discord references in-game at all the rule would have specifically said no Discord. But this is not the case.

Thanks for the clarification. I mainly cared about whether i could use twitter or youtube links but this make it more clear on my mind on what is allowed and what is not.