Can locked resources categories be unlisted?

Currently locked resource categories are creating spam in the resource category, while locking them is a step in the right direction it still is filling up the topic list.

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Sages are trying more “public” moderation so other members know what not to post. Quenty basically points out that unlisting posts harmed the quality of the forum.

Would the ability to hide locked posts for regulars but not members be a discourse feature request or a separate forum request?

I think the better solution is to just lock #resources away like #discussion, because the bad posts still exist. It wouldn’t be fair for members to see low-quality posts but regulars don’t.

Regulars know what a low quality post is, and regulars don’t have to go through post approval, therefor I feel it is unnesecary for our sorts to be spammed with locked posts.

Disclosure - not saying members don’t know what a low quality post is, just arguing along the lines of the presented argument.

I know a lot of members very experienced with the forum and to them I of course mean no offence.

Requesting something as niche as hiding archived posts from regulars on discourse might not work. I personally have the entire #resources category muted because the useful tutorials I actually was able to use, are all drowned out. I still think we should just make topic creation regular+. Posting topics in #discussion was a privilege, and 80%+ of the members according to sages who did, showed they couldn’t use the category responsibly. Posting in #resources should also be a privilege.

This unfortunately is a different argument which I have already presented and ironically argued against in the past.

Unfortunately every solution suggested has its pros and cons.

For example your proposed solution discriminates members as people unable to create high quality resources deeming them as ‘worse developers’

And as someone who has always fought for members to be treated as intelligent and soulful as regulars (since not everyone is like the steoretype) I personally don’t like this solution.

Yet the argument would remove the low quality posts, it is true.

Overall it’s just a huge mess of balancing resources and permissions which I’ve heard is being worked on.

This “discrimination” is already done on #platform-feedback, #discussion and #lounge. Locking away #resources is no different. And plus, #resources used to have post approval on it, so it would just be going back. Absolutely no difference.

They removed PA due to the lack of recourses. If I recall correctly, apparently most of the posts were being approved anyways. Keep in mind that PA is a volunteer thing.

Didn’t mean to say that. #resources was regular-only at one point, but members could go through post approval. What I meant is bringing back the regular-only nature like #discussion where not even through post approval a member can post there.