Can someone give me a guide?

Can someone give me a link to a few things?

1: What is the difference between a Local Script and a Script

2: What is a module script?

3: A full moon animation tutorial

4: How to quote people in Roblox Devforum

5: What is raycasting?

6: Guide to tweenservice

7: Is there a guide for what a topics category should be?

8: Everything you need to know about RemoteEvents

These are the things I struggle with most as a developer.

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Certainly! I’ll provide brief explanations and relevant resources for each of the questions:

  1. Difference between Local Script and Script:
  • A Script runs on the server and affects the entire game.
  • A LocalScript runs on the client’s device and only affects what that specific player sees or experiences.
  1. Module Script:
  • A ModuleScript is a script that can be reused in other scripts, promoting modular and organized code.
  • It usually contains functions, variables, or classes that can be required and used in other scripts.
  • Roblox Developer Hub - ModuleScript
  1. Full Moon Animation Tutorial:
  • Unfortunately, I can’t provide a specific link to a tutorial as my training data doesn’t include specific URLs. However, you can search for tutorials on platforms like YouTube or the Roblox Developer Hub.
  1. Quoting People in Roblox Devforum:
  • To quote someone on the Roblox Devforum, you can use the > symbol followed by the text you want to quote.
  • Example: > This is a quoted text.
  1. Raycasting:
  • Raycasting is a technique used in game development to simulate the path of light or simulate physical interactions like shooting.
  • It involves casting a virtual ray from a point in a specified direction to detect collisions or intersections with objects.
  • Roblox Developer Hub - Raycasting
  1. Guide to TweenService:
  1. Guide for Topics Category:
  • While there might not be a specific guide, it’s generally good practice to choose a category that best fits the nature of your topic or question on the Roblox Devforum.
  1. RemoteEvents:
  • RemoteEvents are used for communication between the client and the server.
  • They allow you to send messages or data from the client to the server and vice versa.
  • Roblox Developer Hub - RemoteEvent

For more in-depth information, tutorials, and discussions, the Roblox Developer Hub and Roblox Devforum are excellent resources.

Well I’ll be honest
I used ChatGPT for fast answer but I can say

Script works in server-side that shows to all player or lets you change values etc. if you change you stat with local script it won’t save

Local Script is Mostly Client-Sided stuff, Example: :GetMouse(), Keybinds, Destroying object only for the player or animating only for target player to see, anything client-sided related
LocalScript is also for using RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions

ModuleScript is like a library, you put values and functions inside it call it with require

I never used Moon Animation :C

To Quote you can:

Well Raycasting… ehh I don’t use it, I never done anything needed for that

TweenService is for Smooth Animations or Movements for Parts from What I use
You can animate GUI or You can make a Block Dance :joy:

Well There is Topic for everything i guess

RemoteEvents are for Players to interact with server, like if you want to change a value or do damage or anything server-side related that you want to use, They are made in Script instead of LocalScript
Then you can Call Remote event with the keys you put in script to Make it work Server-Side


remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, playerData)
      -- Script here

Then from local script:

remoteEvent:FireServer(playerData) --You don't need to call player again since its auto does it i call :d
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Script Vs. LocalScript


Moon Animator




DevForum Categories
