Can someone help me with a flying script?

Hello everyone this is my first post so it’s possible that I am posting in the wrong topic section, excuse me if this is the case.

To make this short and simple: I got a flying script which is working with “WASD”. Basically if you are pressing “W” as sample, you are flying forward. Since I want to make this script mobile compitable I am not sure how to do this. I searched up many things but I just don’t know how to do this.

My problem is that I have no clue what I need to so so that I can use it on pc AND mobile. I am a beginner in scripting so I have not enough experience. If someone maybe can write me down a script or edit the existing one I would appreciate it alot!

This is the correct category (Scripting Support). That being said, there won’t be anyone available to help you unless you are able to provide sufficient information. If you post what you have now and identify the problem, perhaps we would be able to help you.

Another thing:

Scripting Support is not a category to have code written for you, only for help requests.


This isn’t for requesting this only for helping people who have problems with there script or creations

I mean, that’s what I just said.

What I meant with “writing down the script” is only the part where the mobile controls are being inserted, not the whole script. But yes you are still right that it sounded like a request, my bad.

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