Can u make to scroll more on a scrolling frame?

hi, im pro_developer213 and i want to make a custom chat sistem but if the chat Gui is full with Text labels i dont want to delete one or more, i want to make the scrolling frame’s scroll size more big how to make that?
sry but i’m bad at Gui and sry becouse this is my #3 post in this day

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Make sure you’re using some sort of Layout system, as it’ll make it A LOT easier to do this. I had a fairly rough idea on what to do, but I wasn’t sure. Did a quick dig for you, and found a thread for reference as well as pinpointed the code that was marked as the :white_check_mark: Solution.

Try this:

script.Parent.UIGridLayout.CellSize =,math.floor(script.Parent.AbsoluteSize.X/5)-1,0,math.floor(script.Parent.AbsoluteSize.X/5)-1)

Or, if you prefer:

You may have to alter it a little bit to get the expected results, but this should work (as long as you’ve got things like the child-parent hierarchy right with the UIGridLayout, etc)

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I found this thread which may be helpful:

I hope it helps. :herb:

@Polyheximal and @ArticGamerTV i will try it!

You could connect a ChildAdded event to the scrolling frame and set the CanvasSize property to,0,0,layout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y) where layout there is the UIGridLayout or UIListLayout inside of the scrolling frame. For me, this has been the most effective method by far.

it dont work 30 charactersssssssssssss

What about this:

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This has already been suggested, read the other posts before posting please

thanks u! now im done with Gui part on my Custom Chat!

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