Can you change Terrain's grass length in a script?

I was attempting to call the terrain grass length by using, workspace.Terrain.GrassLength, but it doesn’t seem to be an option. Any other ways of accomplishing this?

I tried a bunch of ways … nothing worked. Did some research and came across this …
Looks like that option is in beta ATM. So I looked in Beta features and found Grass Length Customization

Checked the option to try the new feature and you can set the grass length from the studio.
However I still couldn’t figure out a way to get to that in a script … So boo, don’t look like for now you can, unless you set it that way in the studio and go with that setting with the beta option set to use with a check. But it looks like after beta you will be able to do that!

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You can’t edit grass length at run-time yet, but some sort of solution is planned:

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