Can you create a cross-server A.I

It might sound weird or so but what I mmean is can you create an AI that learns like all AI but it learns with all the server at the same time, so for exemple if the AI learn something on a specific server it will learn it everywhere. I checked those cross-server things and the max request amount is way too low for such a flow of data to get transfered in each server instantly.




Depending on how you use it, you could either use a host to which the servers would make requests, or utilise the new MessagingService in order to share the “knowledge” of the AI with the rest of the servers, and then save it with DataStores so new servers aren’t left behind.

Unfortunately the MessagingService has been only released to the beta testers so far, but it should be available for everyone soon (I hope).


Beta tester ?, what do you mean by that ?
like Staffers or Devforum members ?

You can join the beta program to receive features early. Read more here: Enroll in the Roblox Beta Program
(idk how to embed a post without quoting it)

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For creating an AI chat, I recommend you to use Dialogflow (Google account required) as that’s learning directly from the requests. You’ll receive a web panel where you can manage your AI application. Requests need to be done using HttpService. All requests will be stored under ‘History’.

This won’t learn answers, only different ways of how people ask a specific question.

When you need more explaination, reply on this post, mention me or send a message to me. I’m ready to explain it all. :smile: