I know this is probably a really dumb question, but I know in other languages, (like java) you can create your own classes. Can you also do this in lua?
Check out this post: All about Object Oriented Programming
How I personally organise my classes…
gernlib is a personal library of functions
gernstance is a class I wrote that all my classes inherit from (where self = {} inside .new())
--[[ CLASS via AeroFramework
local class = {}
local SELF = class
class.__index = class
local gernlib = require(game.Workspace:WaitForChild('GernLib'):WaitForChild('module'));
function class.new()
local self = gernlib.classes.gernstance.new()
self.sub_class = self.class
self.class = "class"
setmetatable(class, gernlib.classes.gernstance)
setmetatable(self, class)
return self
return class
I just use the typical OOP Object for Lua
local Object = {}
Object.__index = Object
function Object.new(param1)
local self = setmetatable({
param1 = param1;
text = "Heyo";
}, Object)
--you can use this area here to initialize other things you want to use but can't set in the table, or call functions on it.
return self
return Object