Can you return through multiple functions?

Oh right, I guess making a loop that ends at 0 that only runs once basically acting as an if check is more efficient than an if check?

Yes thats what I told, functions don’t run like the one I told

You yourself did that false code pattern

So if I type a function like this:

local function printhi()

Don’t you think the 3 times true breaks the script as its not assigned anything

The language Lua is programmed to literally ignore the true completely. On the top technical aspect. The code does not actually do this.

local function printhi()

It only does this, because Lua has on the technical aspect, been designed, to discard it completely.

local function printhi()
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Oh nice, but why did the script did not run

And it does not ignore the true, it ignores it only if its not a variable or a function or if nots assigned anything

Can you please show what you mean by “not run”? It seems like you aren’t using the code provided correctly.

Which script did not run? All our examples ran, we tested them & shown you prints of there being no problem. & yes it does… OMG. It does ignore it if it’s not USED.

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The script which you both gave, does not run

Just check it yourself, why you both yelling at me, I am just correcting you both

The count does not matter, what matters is who is correct and who is wrong

Can you then explain how the screenshots of prints without errors actually worked? & why do you never show anything yourself? You’re just making claims without proof, against how Lua is literally designed to be…

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I am just correcting you because you might mislead other people, and I’m a scripter since 4 years, and I know whats wrong in scripts, and you are just arguing with me without understanding why I am correcting you

Here’s the uncopylocked place. Now you have literally no excuse.


I don’t need to check it, it was you whose arguing, all my scripts which I posted worked

None of your scripts worked

… Give a screenshot of the errors then, prove that they didn’t work. And it does work, you can’t even use a minute to check the uncopylocked place? Stop misleading people on how Lua, functions & returns work.


He ended up sending me an error from what appears to be a completely different script. The error in question was “attempt to concatenate boolean with boolean”, something that never occurs in any scripts provided. Anyways, this is my last reply on this.

Anyway, after all that…
@specialwhat I think something like this is the answer your question.

Apologies for all the non-sensical replies to your legitimate question.


It is not fake. Here, you can see it for yourself:
Roblox Studio place file.rbxl