Lumin Framework - A Lightning Fast & Lightweight Game Framework

Lumin Framework


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About :sparkles:

Well… What is Lumin Framework?

Lumin Framework is the all new framework for all your games and projects, no matter the size of them. I’ve personally used it for all of my projects, and it works great despite the scale of each one. I designed the framework to have a super optimized networking and signal system. It combines the usage of @jackdotink’s Red and Signal modules, which helps it be optimized by a ton.

It also comes with a lot of packages you can install via the plugin by default. Some of these include benchmarking, instance collection, and statistics.

It was made to be complex, but also easy to learn which is what mainly makes the framework stand out from the others. I have covered almost all of the API and libraries in our documentation, be sure to check that out before starting out with the framework.

Our goal while creating this framework was to not intrude on the developers code, but instead let them customize their experience and give them basic tools along the way, such as the built-in networking system. I have found myself that this actually makes the process of developing a project way faster than before, and is just nicer to work with overall when stuff isn’t practically shoved down your throat.

We want you to have control over how your game functions, and not intrude on your unique process

Available features :tada:

  • Type Safe :safety_vest:
    Strictly typed, internally and externally.

  • Context-specific API :desktop_computer:
    The API is aimed to be completely separate the server and the client, which allows for a better type checking experience.

  • Fully Documented :books:
    The entire framework is documented, along with tutorials on each subject.

  • Optimized :running_woman:
    Extremely optimized, with most internal functions running fast along with the custom signal and network implementations.

  • Secure :closed_lock_with_key:
    The networking system that the framework uses can actually partially prevent exploits like RemoteSpy from being easily useable.

  • Ordered :arrows_counterclockwise:
    You can import modules from a main script, which will then execute in order. Can prevent issues like race conditions which come up a lot in multi-threaded architectures.

… and much more!

Is it better than other frameworks? :thinking:

It really comes down on your use case, if you are just starting up a short project that needs some easy organization, I would consider using Lumin Framework, even larger projects would suit your use of it.

Each framework has each of their own disadvantages and advantages, so it’s ultimately up to you to decide what you should use and what suits you best. I always thought many other frameworks available were challenging to learn (at least for me) so I created this framework instead.

Installation + Usage :open_book:

Refer to the installation article hosted on our documentation site. From there, you can go to the next article in tutorials to learn more about the framework. If you need any additional help, feel free to reply to this post or shoot me a message on Discord.

Issues :bug:

Came across an issue in our code? Simply create a new issue on the GitHub repository or create a new bug report in our discord server.

Conclusion :wave:

I hope after reading over what I have said, that you can make your final decision and share your feedback below.

— Made with :heart: by Lumin Labs

Will you use this framework?
  • Sure!
  • No thanks!
  • Maybe later!

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GitHub issue:
  • src/Debugger has no file type, so syntax highlighting is disabled

This seems like a lightweight yet solid framework, and I’m glad to see it’s fully type-safe. Is there a page/readme for documentation? I’d like to read the API ref before I use it.

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Not right now, but if you look at src/CanaryEngine.lua you can find documentation above each function and type. I am not the best documentation writer, but a website is shipping (probably tomorrow) that will host documentation and tutorials. Thanks for using my framework!

GitHub issue fixed

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I personally don’t like using frameworks, but this looks pretty promising and I’m probably going to look into it later. Thanks for the resource!

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No problem, I’m going to be adding an actual docs site soon. And yes, I felt the way same way about using frameworks when I was a beginner. I always felt they were too complicated and still do. I made CanaryEngine just like any other framework out there, but lightweight, easy to understand, and just overall better without all this weird declaring through the self keyword, which I feel like is being heavily misused. Another great plus is being type safe, as I love Roblox’s intellisense as a beginner and still think it’s an absolute godsend to implement typing.


Just wanted to let all of you know that a plugin for a coming soon to make your experience while using CanaryEngine easier. It will include package creating, lists, and a module to keep track of all packages and to keep intellisense enabled at all times. Hope you’re looking forward to it :eyes:


If this framework is basically just knit but bridgenet and datastore modules, I will actually try this!

The biggest reason what flinged me away from using bridgenet was because it had no support for knit. Thanks.

And, will there be a ts version too? I would also like a Flamework with bridgenet

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I would add typescript support, but I have no idea how.


If you know some ts, you can add a .d.ts file and set the types.

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Framework Update


The framework has been updated:

  • Added plugin that helps you migrate from older versions
  • Updated main module to include utility functions
  • Removed function from debug module
  • Docs coming at least by this weekend

Changes will be pushed to GitHub by at most 5 PM tomorrow due to school. Get the plugin:


I threw together a framework using a modified version of BridgetNet2 that is also very similar to Knit called Flux. You can try it if you want, but the documentation is lacking and its probably full of bugs. I think my ts works for the most part at least.

FluxFrameworkStandAlone@0.0.1.rbxl (309.6 KB)

i prefer a pretty stable framework for this kinda stuff. hopefully youll release it

I’ll try to work on it a little more, but as of right now, BridgeNet2 is not giving a performance increase I would’ve liked. Additionally, it’s missing InvokeFunctions, and the developer of BridgeNet2 doesn’t plan to add it himself.

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It’s preffered that you don’t self-advertise on someone else’s post. Please move this to DM’s, thank you.


It’s not self-advertisement, but sure.

Framework Update

The framework has been updated:

  • Added install and uninstall to plugin
  • Added Utility, Benchmark, and Serialize (BlueSerializer by @commitblue) libs to the main module
  • Better NetworkSignal typing
  • Removed intellisense from plugin, it’s sadly impossible
  • A few QOL fixes
  • Add support for checking framework version automatically with GetLatestPackageVersionAsync, it is now an attribute under the main module.
  • Bug fixes

Small update to squeeze in here: Finished docs in 2 hours :partying_face:, now linked in main post.

Any update suggestions? I would like to take in some feedback.

I don’t know if it’s a good suggestion but can you add replicaservice on the framework?

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Well, what can ReplicaService do that BridgeNet can’t? I’m not really in for 2 networking systems.