Candy Scavenger Hunt Not Working

yes cause each player is doing the quest separately

its currently not even detecting that im hitting it tho

Join this place for a second: test - Roblox

k im there in the game now (words)

ontouchthing.rbxl (27.0 KB)

Here’s a copy of the place. You’ll have to open the circle called “Part” in workspace, then check Script, and the underlying LocalScript inside of the Script to check out how it’s done.

If you have any other questions, then feel free to ask.

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Side note: You can change how long the LocalScript remains active, this can be changed in line 23 in the Script under Part.

wait so do I put this into each candy then?

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Correct. I recommend finalizing the whole script for the candy bar, before making replicates of it.

If you’re wanting to make randomized spawning candies, you should grab a copy of the script in the Part → place it in any form of folder to save it. To do the randomized cloning of new candies, you should use, and configure it however you want to. Once done, and you’ve made them spawn randomly, you can meanwhile it’s creating the part, take a copy of the Script (+ LocalScript inside), and change its’ parent to the new part you’ve made.

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It worked thank you so much! (space)

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You’re welcome. I’ve written a randomized candy spawner code, which i recommend putting in ServerScriptService. Feel free to use it.

Size can also be changed btw.

while true do

local thing ="Part")
thing.Anchored = false
thing.Name = "Candy"
thing.Parent = workspace
thing.Position =,50),math.random(5,10),math.random(-50,50)) 
thing.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
thing.Color = Color3.fromRGB(math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255))
