I’ve been making a Camera part but it keeps facing the wrong way, I check its properties but lately, I cannot find its surfaces there. Any help is appreciated!
Where it should be: Correct me if i’m wrong, but I believe it should be in Data
I’ve been making a Camera part but it keeps facing the wrong way, I check its properties but lately, I cannot find its surfaces there. Any help is appreciated!
Where it should be: Correct me if i’m wrong, but I believe it should be in Data
they kind of changed the Part Surfaces
you can still change the surface though
You can do the same job by either inserting an attachment (which is visible) with a positive z position or add a decal with its face set to “front”
Is there an easier way than this?
Those two are the simplest I can think of.
Once you get used to it it’ll be second nature, same as how we both learned how to use Surfaces to do this job